If what you really want is the vanilla body without the chest size adjusting then I'm afraid you'll have to work out slider settings for yourself: the BodySlide tool allows you to generate a vanilla body that is mostly accurate, but it disables all of the sliders.

I'm attempting to remedy that with a new body. Then, using showracemenu, adjust the weight slider back and forth and judge for yourself. To see the issue, take any female character and (without using a body mod) remove all of your equipment. There aren't any technical issues with the mod that I'm aware of. Is there a way to make Pumping Iron work for the vanilla body? Fortunately, most of the armor I haven't covered yet is not exactly form-fitting, so it'll be harder to notice. There will always be a noticeable difference in body shape when equipping a non-supported armor or clothing mesh, but the difference is now less noticeable. Breast size is smaller on my meshes at maximum slider settings.

The vanilla meshes actually already have decent muscle on them, but they have them on the minimum slider as well, so the effect is comparatively muted. Comparing it to a vanilla forsworn mesh it looked surprisingly similar in structure. That being said, I hope you appreciate the new version! I took care to minimize the differences between the vanilla body and my preset with this iteration. I like the STEP pack being worked on, but it also doesn't (by design) address boob-slider syndrome and has no support for nudity or HDT. I can fix most complaints by adjusting the Bodyslide sliders, however. Thanks for the interest! I'll be going with CBBE here as I'm not content with the vanilla meshes and have no 3D modeling experience. With the exception of CNHF, most of the female body mods have anatomical issues (like ignoring the existence of pelvic bones). I'd really like to see it based on the vanilla body or the STEP version of the vanilla body, though. A true muscle/strength slider for females along with practical female armors would be amazing.